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  All Categories: Macintosh >> Web and Internet >> General
  Software titles : 1-25 of  4075 found.
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1 - Winbox  3.18
Winbox for Mac, Wine based compilation for the Winbox application that offers you the possibility to configure your MikroTik router without using a web browser
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 74.1 MB 
  01/13/2019 Download Now
2 - Galaxy Force Invasion - Space Shooter  2.1
Stunning scrolling shooter experience with modern visuals and design. Smoothly control your fighter and enjoy the classic atmosphere of galaxy arcade shoot 'em up in modern rendering. Move your fighter left or right to protect your spaceship and avoid the coming bullets while shooting and destroying the invading enemies.
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 94 MB
  12/14/2022 Download Now
3 - Tuxler
Tuxler for Mac is a Cross-platform residential VPN for accessing and sharing Internet connection locations from all over the world, while keeping your real location private.
License: Demo    OS: Mac    Size: 10.2 MB
  05/09/2019 Download Now
4 - Synapse X  1.1
"Synapse - it's all you need to make communication easy."
License: Freeware    OS: Mac OS X 10.1    Size: 1.1 MB
  01/23/2019 Download Now
5 - FlixTools Pro  2.9.0 Build 563
FlixTools Pro for Mac, Find subtitles for your movies on, batch download them to your Mac, and shift the timing so that the videos and subtitles match
License: Time-limited Trial    OS: Mac    Size: 38.5 MB 
  01/23/2019 Download Now
6 - Roccat  8.3
Roccat for Mac, A user-friendly web browser for macOS designed to provide a faster navigation, more intuitive tab management solutions, advanced search capabilities
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 5.1 MB 
  03/09/2019 Download Now
7 - Transmission Remote for Java
Transmission Remote for Java for Mac, A µTorrent like cross platform remote control for the Transmission BitTorrent client
License: GNU Public License    OS: Mac    Size: 7.2 MB 
  01/21/2019 Download Now
8 - SMBUp  1.4.1
SMBUp for Mac, Re-instates Samba as a service.
License: Demo    OS: Mac    Size: 4.3 MB 
  01/17/2019 Download Now
9 - Darcy Ripper
Darcy Ripper for Mac, Quick Java based web spider
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 4.3 MB 
  03/05/2019 Download Now
10 - Mylio  3.3.5593
Mylio for Mac, Keep all your photos in the same place to make sure you will never lose them and organize the collection by the picture's creation date
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 171 MB 
  01/23/2019 Download Now
11 - UnMHT for Opera/Safari  5.0.0
UnMHT for Opera/Safari for Mac, A free Safari and.or Opera UserScript that will allow you to view MHT files on your Mac
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 20 KB 
  01/25/2019 Download Now
12 - Sony Ericsson DRM Packager  1.35
This tool can be used to package and protect the digital content of your mobile phone. It also enables the use of mp3 files as ringtones.
License: Freeware    OS: Mac OS X 10.3    Size: 2.9 MB
  02/14/2019 Download Now
13 - O2 Connection Manager  2.1.1
O2 Connection Manager for Mac, A fast and user-friendly application that provides you with quick mobile access to your e-mail, Internet and the company network.
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 3.1 MB 
  01/08/2019 Download Now
14 - NetZero  1.0.1
NetZero for Mac, NetZero - Connect to the Internet using a dial-up ISP
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 586 KB 
  02/17/2019 Download Now
15 - ifile  1.3.8
ifile for Mac, Bayesian mail filter that can learn how to organize your messages, taking into account the way in which you tend to organize them
License: GNU Public License    OS: Mac    Size: 191 KB 
  01/11/2019 Download Now
16 - Reeder  3.2.1
Reeder for Mac, A lightweight and user-friendly feed reader that provides the required tools to access, organize and read the latest articles and news
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 8.1 MB 
  01/17/2019 Download Now
17 - ByteMe Optimizer  1.1
ByteMe Optimizer for Mac, ByteMe Optimizer - Easily disable the ByteMobile mobile provider proxy for image caching and downscaling
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 108 KB 
  03/05/2019 Download Now
18 - Darkbot  8 RC1
Darkbot for Mac, Very fast and small program written in C language which connects to IRC and automatically talks and responds to users
License: Freeware    OS: Mac    Size: 1.1 MB 
  01/21/2019 Download Now
19 - Mikogo  5.9.0
Mikogo for Mac, Free and easy-to-use screen sharing tool
License: Demo    OS: Mac    Size: 50 MB 
  02/20/2019 Download Now
20 - Beaker Browser  0.8.5
Beaker Browser for Mac, Peer to peer web browser that relies on an experimental protocol to help you publish content online from any device, which means that you get to share files or even host websites
License: MIT License    OS: Mac    Size: 104.6 MB 
  03/09/2019 Download Now
21 - Raindrop  5.0.117 Beta
Raindrop for Mac, A cross-platform and versatile application that makes it easy for its users to organize and store all their bookmarks under one roof
License: Demo    OS: Mac    Size: 54 MB 
  03/09/2019 Download Now
22 - Historian 1.0.2
Browse Safari`s history more conveniently.
License: Shareware    OS: Mac OS    Size: 218 KB
  01/18/2019 Download Now
23 - Insomnia  6.3.2
Insomnia for Mac, REST client that is able to deal with various types of HTTP requests and offers you the possibility to see all the response details
License: Demo    OS: Mac    Size: 62.3 MB 
  02/10/2019 Download Now
24 - FlexiHub  3.4
FlexiHub for Mac, Connect to remote USB or serial port devices that are connected to a computer from the comfort of your Mac, regardless of the platform used by the remote workstation
License: Demo    OS: Mac    Size: 7.6 MB 
  01/25/2019 Download Now
25 - Yummy FTP Watcher  3.0.9
Yummy FTP Watcher for Mac, Watches folders on your Mac and automatically uploads and synchronizes them when it detects any changes with a FTP, FTPS or SFTP server of your choice
License: Shareware    OS: Mac    Size: 8.6 MB 
  03/09/2019 Download Now

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